Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Crux of Asia: the changing global order

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On  Jan 10th 2013 took place in Washington D.C., under the umbrella of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Crux_Panel_I:_Transcript_Reviewed.pdf.

The main presentations can be seen in the Carnegie’s official web.

The rise of China and India as major world powers promises to test the established global order in the coming decades. As the two powers grow, they are bound to change the current international system—with profound implications for themselves, the United States, and the world. And whether they agree on the changes to be made, especially when it comes to their relationship with the West, will influence the system’s future character. A close examination of Chinese and Indian perspectives on the fundamentals of the emerging international order reveals that Sino-Indian differences on many issues of both bilateral and global significance are stark.

Key Points

  • China and India’s sustained economic growth fuels their increasing geopolitical and military influence.
  • Despite their developmental similarities, China and India’s bilateral strategic rivalry means that they have competing priorities on most major global issues.
  • Sino-Indian differences are considerable on issues relating to the nonproliferation system, Asian security, regional stability in Southern Asia, and security in the maritime commons, space, and cyberspace. The two rising powers broadly agree on matters relating to the international economic system, energy security, and the environment.
  • Because of its ongoing shift to the Asia-Pacific and status as the only global superpower, the United States must manage a complex set of relationships with China and India, which are at times working at cross-purposes.



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