Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Extreme poverty: how do we know it is declining?

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Max Roser@MaxCRoser

How do we know the history of extreme poverty?

This blog post draws on data and research discussed in our entry on Global Extreme Poverty.

Bill Gates says poverty is decreasing. He couldn’t be more wrong | Jason Hickel

An infographic endorsed by the Davos set presents coerced proletarianisation as a triumph, says the academic Jason Hickel

Jason HickeL@jasonhickel

Hi Max and Joe! Hmm… unfortunately the two of you are mistaken about the Maddison data, as I explain here. Also see my link in the post to Branko Milanovic’s argument. … 

A response to Max Roser: how not to measure global poverty

Max Roser and Joe Hasell have written a post defending the methodology behind their long-term poverty graph.  It is not addressed to me, but it was written in response to my critique (which you can…

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