Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

FT’s 125th anniversary

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FT at 125: The world in focus

From its City origins, the paper has become a digital global news organisation, writes the editor, Lionel Barber.

No clubby City – but the FT’s role endures

The newspaper has a unique part to play in the modern world, writes Nigel Lawson

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Staffers past and present tell the inside story of the FT with their memories in words and pictures, updated throughout this anniversary year

Happy anniversary

This year will do well to match 1888 for inventions

Blast from the past

A Victorian staff writer returns to reflect on how the City has changed

Plaudits from the FT’s readers

Congratulations from around the globe sent to the publication for its 125th anniversary

To find out more about the historical archive enabling you to search editions of the FT from 1888 to 2009, call the FT on +44 (0)207 873 4001 or email









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