New study on income inequality around the world finds the U.S. has greater inequality than Nigeria, Iran, India
The 85 richest people on the planet have accumulated as much wealth between them as half of the world’s population
Informe de Oxfam IntermónUn 1% de las familias más poderosas acapara el 46% de la riqueza mundial
Un informe de Oxfam Intermón denuncia que la democracia ha sido «secuestrada» en beneficio de las élites económicas, que «manipulan» las reglas del juego en su beneficio creando un mundo en el que sólo las 85 personas más ricas acumulan todo el capital de que dispone la mitad más pobre de la Humanidad. En la actualidad, el 1% de las familias más poderosas acapara el 46% de la riqueza del mundo.
El trabajo, ‘Gobernar para las élites. Secuestro democrático y desigualdad económica’, se difunde en ciernes del Foro Económico Mundial que se celebra esta semana en Davos para poner de manifiesto que en países como España, las 20 personas más ricas poseen una fortuna similar a los ingresos del 20% de su población más pobre… seguir leyendo
The report says:
- Globally, the richest individuals and companies hide trillions of dollars away from the tax man in a web of tax havens around the world. It is estimated that $21 trillion is held unrecorded and off-shore;
- In the US, years of financial deregulation directly correlates to the increase in the income share of the top one per cent which is now at its highest level since the eve of the Great Depression;
- In India, the number of billionaires increased tenfold in the past decade, aided by a highly regressive tax structure and the wealthy exploiting their government connections, while spending on the poorest remains remarkably low;
- In Europe, austerity has been imposed on the poor and middle classes under huge pressure from financial markets whose wealthy investors have benefited from state bailouts of financial institutions;
- In Africa, global corporations – particularly those in extractive industries – exploit their influence to avoid taxes and royalties, reducing the resources available to governments to fight poverty.
Oxfam is calling on those gathered at WEF to pledge to:
- Support progressive taxation and not to dodge their own taxes;
- Refrain from using their wealth to seek political favors that undermine the democratic will of their fellow citizens;
- Make public all the investments in companies and trusts for which they are the ultimate beneficial owners;
- Challenge governments to use tax revenue to provide universal healthcare, education and social protection for citizens;
- Demand a living wage in all companies they own or control;
- Challenge other members of the economic elite to join them in these pledges.
FULL REPORT in English: Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality
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