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Media and journalism: Shorenstein fall 2015 highlights

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Shorenstein Center fall 2015 speaker series highlights: Snapchat, investigating race and more
Throughout the academic year, Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy hosts panel discussions, a speakers series and other events, many of which feature prominent journalists and media personalities. The following are audio and video highlights from Fall 2015, with a focus on tips for journalists and reflections on the evolving media landscape.
Peter Hamby: “There’s this huge audience — we’re building an editorial structure on top of them and alerting them to things happening in the world.”
Nikole Hannah-Jones: “My role is to expose these things to people who can and should do something about it.”
Rick Kaplan: “People are looking for well-curated, serious, important news.”
Jill Lepore: “American politics is adrift in a sea of polls.”
Maria Sacchetti: “We have a special obligation to try to cover world news in the way we do local news.”

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