Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Mémoir et réalité de l’Afrique

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rfi: Elikia M’Bokolo © Aurélia Blanc

Chaque semaine, Elikia M’Bokolo vous propose Mémoire d’un Continent dédiée à l’histoire de l’Afrique. Plusieurs siècles d’histoire, depuis les temps héroïques des Lucy et des Toumai jusqu’aux péripéties actuelles d’un continent confronté aux défis de la mondialisation. L’Afrique sur ses terres et l’Afrique des diasporas : diasporas nées des contraintes d’hier ou des émigrations volontaires d’aujourd’hui. Des archives sonores signées RFI ou l’Ina, des archives inédites que nous cherchons sur les cinq continents. Des témoignages et débats sur un continent qui veut rester debout !

Plus d’infos


Struggle and solidarity: African Union at 50

An AJEnglish interactive dashboard examines the history, successes and challenges facing the group

   The Stream – On its golden anniversary, the AU at a crossroads (Published on April 22, 2013)

On the one hand you have unresolved conflict, alleged corruption and a dishonest broker. On the other you have peacekeeping missions, government accountability and community engagement. As the African Union prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary, debate over its triumphs and failures grows. So what will be the legacy of the AU? And what role has it played in fostering Pan-Africanism?

May 30, 2013
DURATION: 01:12:20
The Future of Intrastate Conflict in Africa: More Violence or Greater Peace? The CSIS paper reviews patterns of post-Cold War conflicts in Africa to analyze anticipated trends in intrastate conflict through 2050. Jakkie Cilliers, executive director of the Institute for Security Studies in Pretoria, South Africa, discusses major findings, including the evolution of the nature of African conflicts, why conflict has persisted amid rapid economic growth, and how multipolarity may affect these trends in the coming decades. CSIS Africa Program director Jennifer Cooke moderates the presentation.


Corruptos y multinacionales saquean África. Por Gonzalo Fanjul. El Pais (27 de mayo de 2013)

Africa defence force never more needed but still a paper tiger, By Pascal Fletcher and Drazen Jorgic. Reuters (May 27, 2013)

African Union: between hope and despair. By Abdi Ismail Samatar. Al Jazeera English (May 27, 2013)

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