Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Mensaje de Michelle Obama (25 de septiembre de 2013)

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Recojo a continuación el correo recibido hoy de Michelle Obama como ejemplo de la forma en que suele conectar  la primera dama estadounidense con sus seguidores. Es raro el día en que no recibo algún mensaje de  Obama, de Michelle o de sus equipos de campaña. Con frecuencia, incluyen peticiones de dinero para campañas, acciones solidarias u otros fines sin concretar.

Message sent today by Michelle Obama to her followers:

Friend —

You can’t just want change.

You’ve got to fight for it, too. Barack and I hear that’s exactly what you’re doing — thank you.

This work matters. Just look at the August congressional recess: For the first time in a long time, our side built some real momentum over the summer — on everything from immigration reform to climate change. That’s all you.

You’re the heart and soul of this organization. That’s why OFA wants to hear directly from you.

So, if you had to pick, what is the number one issue that drives you to keep fighting?

I had the privilege of helping get Organizing for Action off the ground earlier this year, and I’m excited about where you’re taking it.

There’s a lot of work still ahead. As Barack says: Winning an election doesn’t bring about the change we seek. It simply gives us the chance to make that change.

You’re embracing that opportunity — and all Americans will be better off for it.



Since moving to Washington four and a half years ago, the first lady has set about making this place home. See where the first lady spends time around the D.C. area.

How Michelle Obama gets around Washington Washington Post, Sep 25, 2013.


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