Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Paying to go to war

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It´s a short documentary film that tells the story of the Spanish freelance reporter, Antonio Pampliega. It is part of Great Expectations_Project, an investigation into the phenomenon of job insecurity in Europe in the professions of Art and Culture. Great Expectations is a project for the construction of a permanent multimedia observatory, a website that organizes into an interactive structure texts, selfportraits and short documentaries, about precarious workers. Great Expectations is finally a project of widespread authorship at the center of a network of European authors sensitive to labor issues. (de Plus)

Although I had seen and retwitted Antonio’s video when I saw it for the first time six months ago, this RT, on May 18, 2013, reminded me the need to keep it in my blog.

@APampliega «Es lo más obsceno que me han dicho, que trabaje gratis para que tenga un nombre». Cobrar es difícil… 
4:57 PM – 18 May 2013


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