Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Poverty and inequality: Praxis discussion series

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According to the World Bank statistics, 1 percent of the population control 40 percent of the world’s wealth, while the top 1o percent control over 80 percent. At the same time, close to 1 billion go to bed hungry each night, unable to cover basic nutrition needs. Meanwhile, big companies avoid around $300 billion in taxes every year through all kinds of legal or illegal schemes….

Economic inequality is said to impact social cohesion, hamper efforts to reduce poverty and limit economic growth. And it can mean enclaves of exclusion. Resource-rich countries like Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands have experienced some of the highest growth rates in the world, yet groups of people, especially women, still risk falling behind. What drives inequality and does it undermine development? How do we protect vulnerable people during times of hardship?

Watch a discussion on how to address this issues with panelists Lars Osberg, Lecturer in Economics, looking at the measurements and determinants of inequality, social exclusion and poverty at Dalhousie University, Canada; Michelle Rooney, PhD Candidate, State Society and Governance in Melanesia at ANU; Virginia Horscroft, Senior Economist at the World Bank; and Sameer Dossani, International Head of Advocacy, ActionAid..

This event is part of the Praxis Discussion Series 2013, connecting to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste.
Recorded: Thursday November 14th


Heads, the rich win; tails, the poor lose -By Helaine Olen (December 23, 2013)



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