Special Reports & Publications
– ‘These murders show how the grave risks journalists face in #Syria have metastasized across border with #Turkey ‘ https://cpj.org/x/6624
-ISIS hates so many kinds of people. But maybe none more so than those who defy their narrative. RIP Ibrahim & Fares https://cpj.org/2015/10/cpj-calls-for-investigation-into-murder-of-syrian-.php …
-Two journalists murdered in #Turkey part of groups who took extraordinary risks to report on Islamic State in #Syriahttps://cpj.org/x/6624
-We’re devastated that a member of our 2015 International Press Freedom Awardee @Raqqa_SL was killed with his friend
-Syria is #3 on CPJ’s 2015 Impunity Index. #EndImpunity…http://committeetoprotectjournalists.tumblr.com/post/132169136089/impunity-spotlight-syria-al-moutaz-bellah …
-Rights groups urge government in #Turkey to respect freedom of expression online https://www.accessnow.org/pages/open-letter-to-the-government-of-turkey-on-internet-blocking-and-free-expre …
-Treating the Internet as the enemy in the Middle East | by @courtneyr. #netfreedom2015http://cpj.org/x/5fe2
-Killing journalists with impunity: @pressfreedom ranks countries that fail to investigate violence against media. http://hvrd.me/TSfZo