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Reading for pleasure / Leer por placer

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THE GUARDIAN Monday 16 December 2013 19.00 GMT 

How to teach… reading for pleasure

The link between reading for fun and educational success is well established, but how can teachers get reluctant readers into books? These teaching resources will help.

Studies have found that reading for pleasure is more important to a child’s educational achievement than their family’s wealth or social class. But how to inspire children to ditch the tech (e-readers excepted) and get into reading for fun?

Having a couple of nice books in the book corner won’t necessarily cut it anymore, especially if your students’ parents/carers don’t have a reading habit. So, here are some great teaching resources and ideas which will help you to encourage all your students to become lifelong readers and turn your school into a reading school.

We start with some inspiring resources from the Scottish Book Trust. For fabulous ideas on creating a reading culture check out The big book bash. It’s full of ideas from holding a whole school celebration to setting up blind dates with a book.

If you want to give parents some quick guidance on how to encourage their children to read these top tips sheets are really handy; this sheet is for three-to-seven year-olds and this one for eight-to-11-year-oldsMORE


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