Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Reporting under the shadow of authoritarianism (CJR Special issue)

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It starts with doubt. A country’s leader—someone who was elected—laments the decline of journalism. Then, maybe, a law bans “fake news.” Soon, sure enough, a critic is arrested. Democracy reaches a breaking point. Reporting under the shadow of authoritarianism isn’t impossible, but it is dangerous work. Surveillance becomes oppressive; officials grow increasingly bold. Some journalists try to start anew in exile, which is logistically complicated, beyond the culture shock of resettling in a foreign land. Some abandon state-controlled outlets in favor of social media, where they must make an individual case for their relevance and wade through harassment. Some seek allies across borders, hoping that justice will eventually reach home. Some try to make space for themselves, finding a compartment that no one has thought to search and destroy—yet. All over the world, the resilience of the press is paired with grief.


Free Press, Functioning Democracy –By KYLE POPE

Hong Kong’s unrelenting independent pressBy HSIUWEN LIU

Visions of Valeria in Putin’s Russia –By ANNIE HYLTON

Uganda’s Twitter Battleground –By SOPHIE NEIMAN

Reconnecting with Myanmar’s press –By ALI FOWLE


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