Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Strategic Trends 2014

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the 2014 edition of CSS’ popular “Strategic Trends” series. After highlighting the volume’s general conclusions, we will then feature individual chapters on 1) the problems Russia’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy poses for the West, 2) the EU’s eroding influence in its southern neighborhood, 3) the ‘Talibanization’ of radical Islamists in other parts of the world, 4) the gradual erosion of the US-led global security architecture, and 5) the evolving nature of US foreign policy under Barack Obama.

CSS Launches Strategic Trends 2014

Russia as a Challenger of the West

Sinking in Shifting Sands: the EU in North Africa

The ‘Talibanization’ of Insurgency

Mounting Challenges to Geostrategic Access

People Decide, Parameters Shape: US Foreign Policy under Barack Obama

Additional Content


The 11 future war trends you need to know about 

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