Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

19 junio, 2023
por Felipe Sahagún
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Defence Intelligence – communicating probability

UK Ministry of Defence  (17 February 2023) Have you ever wondered why Defence Intelligence uses terms like “unlikely” or “realistic possibility” when we assess Russia’s war in Ukraine? Defence Intelligence tweeted President Putin’s invasion plan the week before Russian forces … Sigue leyendo

12 abril, 2020
por Felipe Sahagún
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Globalization and power: The consolidation of international communication as a discipline (Juan-Luis Manfredi-Sánchez)

Abstract This study presents an overview of the theoretical development and main lines of research regarding international communication. To this end, the emergence of communication in the structuring of power has been analysed with regard to four areas (hard, soft, … Sigue leyendo

11 julio, 2019
por Felipe Sahagún
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Link 1 Link 2 Javier Gomá:  «Dignidad, un principio revolucionario» Yoani Sánchez: «La diginidad no cabe en un apantalla» Plenaria aquí completa (link: La plenaria del 9 de julio (2°) aqui (link: Arturo Gómez Quijano@ArturoGomezQuij Aquí … Sigue leyendo

27 junio, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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The 10 most influential media in Brussels

1⃣@POLITICOEurope 2⃣@FT 3⃣@BBC 4⃣@TheEconomist 5⃣@Twitter 6⃣@EURACTIV 7⃣@euronews 8⃣@euobs 9⃣@WSJeurope 🔟@facebook Top-10 most-influential media in Brussels, according to #EUMediaPoll by @BMBrussels and @ComRes – v @A_Vivancos @jpmarthoz jean-paul marthoz‏@jpmarthoz  Paradoxe: les médias les plus influents à Bruxelles sont soit américains (Politico, … Sigue leyendo