Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Targeting Journalism

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Al Jazeera World: Mid East Journalism, under assault (Published on Feb 20, 2013)

In many parts of the world, journalism is a profession under murderous assault. Nowhere has this been more true than in the Middle East in recent years.

Figures compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists show an increase in the deaths of reporters covering the region, with 30 journalists killed in 2012 in Syria alone.

The period between 1992 and 2012 saw the killings of 438 journalists in the Middle East and North Africa.

Iraq was the deadliest assignment. Many journalists were kidnapped, and have never been heard from again. Others were lucky to have escaped with their lives.

Targeting Journalism shows the challenges faced by Arab journalists today and highlights cases of reporters who have disappeared or been killed in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and the occupied Palestinian territories.

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