Terrorism change since 2000 20 marzo, 2016 por Felipe Sahagún | Sin comentarios World Economic Forum✔@wef How has #terrorism changed since 2000? http://wef.ch/1Z5FriW 7:45 PM – 20 Mar 2016 Global Risk Insights @risk_insights Terrorism in the #EU has actually decreasedhttp://buff.ly/1UW3eRS 9:18 PM – 28 Mar 2016 Related The countries that suffer most from terrorism -Independent, by Narjas Zatat Belgium provided the most Isis fighters per capita of all EU countries last year -Independent by Louis Doré Global Risk Insights @risk_insights Terrorism in the #EU has actually decreased http://buff.ly/1UW3eRS GLOBAL TERRORISM INDEX 2015 Entradas relacionadas: Libro Blanco y Negro del terrorismo 2000-2016 UN Security Council: three necessary reforms Terrorism in Western Europe Why are people afraid of terrorism?