Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The Brookings’ policy briefs

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The Brookings Institution

A private, independent, nonprofit research organization, Brookings seeks to improve the performance of American institutions, the effectiveness of government programs, and the quality of U.S. public policies. It addresses current and emerging policy challenges and offers practical recommendations for dealing with them, expressed in language that is accessible to policy makers and the general public alike.

In its research, The Brookings Institution functions as an independent analyst and critic, committed to publishing its findings for the information of the public. In its conferences and activities, it serves as a bridge between scholarship and public policy bringing new knowledge to the attention of decisionmakers and affording scholars a better insight into public policy issues.

The Institution traces its beginnings to 1916 with the founding of the Institute for Government Research, the first private organization devoted to public policy issues at the national level. In 1922 and 1924, the Institute was joined by two supporting sister organizations, the Institute of Economics and the Robert Brookings Graduate School. In 1927, these three groups were consolidated into one institution, named in honor of Robert Somers Brookings (1850-1932), a St. Louis businessman whose leadership shaped the earlier organizations.

Brookings is financed largely by endowment and by the support of philanthropic foundations, corporations, and private individuals. Its funds are devoted to carrying out its own research and educational activities. It also undertakes some unclassified government contract studies, reserving the right to publish its findings.

Additional Materials from The Brookings Institution: Videos | Working Papers

Policy Briefs

Title: Uncharted Strait
Authors: Richard C. Bush III
Date: January 2013

Title: More Prisoners Versus More Crime is the Wrong Question
Authors: Philip J. Cook, Jens Ludwig
Date: December 2011

Title: Korea, Colombia, Panama: Pending Trade Accords Offer Economic and Strategic Gains for the United States
Authors: Mauricio Cárdenas, Joshua Meltzer
Date: July 2011

Title: Protecting Civilians in Disasters and Conflicts
Authors: Elizabeth Ferris
Date: March 2011

Title: Opportunity through Education: Two Proposals
Authors: Grover J. «Russ» Whitehurst
Date: March 2011

Title: Improving Afghan War Strategy
Authors: Michael E. O’Hanlon
Date: February 2011

Title: Adjusting to China: A Challenge to the U.S. Manufacturing Sector
Authors: Martin Neil Baily
Date: January 2011

Title: China-Japan Security Relations
Date: October 2010

Title: The Drag on India’s Military Growth
Date: September 2010

Title: The Future of Small Business Entrepreneurship: Jobs Generator for the U.S. Economy
Authors: Martin Neil Baily, Karen Dynan, Douglas J. Elliott
Date: June 2010

Title: Spurring Innovation Through Education: Four Ideas
Authors: Grover J. (Russ) Whitehurst
Date: June 2010

Title: Hubs of Transformation: Leveraging the Great Lakes Research Complex for Energy Innovation
Authors: James Duderstadt, Mark Muro, Sarah Rahman
Date: June 2010

Title: Economic Growth and Institutional Innovation: Outlines of a Reform Agenda
Authors: William A. Galston
Date: June 2010

Title: The Obama Administration’s New Counternarcotics Strategy in Afghanistan: Its Promises and Potential Pitfalls
Authors: Vanda Felbab-Brown
Date: September 2009

Title: Is the G-20 Summit a Step Toward a New Global Economic Order?
Authors: Colin I. Bradford, Johannes F. Linn, Director
Date: September 2009

Title: A Global Fund for Education: Achieving Education for All
Authors: David Gartner
Date: August 2009

Title: Strengthen the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Better Results are Possible
Authors: Lex Rieffel, James W. Fox
Date: December 2008

Title: Global Governance Breakthrough: The G20 Summit and the Future Agenda
Authors: Colin I. Bradford, Johannes F. Linn, Paul Martin
Date: December 2008

Title: Changing the Game: The Federal Role in Supporting 21st Century Educational Innovation
Authors: Sara Mead, Andrew J. Rotherham
Date: October 2008

Title: Bridging the Social Security Divide: Lessons From Abroad
Authors: R. Kent Weaver
Date: June 2008

Title: A Bridge to Somewhere: Rethinking American Transportation for the 21st Century
Authors: Robert Puentes
Date: June 2008

Title: Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America
Authors: Marilyn A. Brown, Frank Southworth, Andrea Sarzynski
Date: May 2008

Title: Clusters and Competitiveness: A New Federal Role for Stimulating Regional Economies
Authors: Karen G. Mills, Elisabeth B. Reynolds, Andrew Reamer
Date: April 2008

Title: Can Raúl Castro Revive Cuba’s Private Sector?
Date: March 2008

Title: Reform of Global Governance: Priorities for Action
Authors: Colin Bradford, Johannes Linn
Date: October 2007

Title: Credit Crisis: The Sky is not Falling
Authors: Anthony Downs
Date: October 2007

Title: Global Service Fellowships: Building Bridges through American Volunteers
Authors: John Bridgeland, David L. Caprara, Harris Wofford
Date: July 2007

Title: A Diplomatic Offensive for Iraq
Authors: Larry Diamond, Carlos Pascual
Date: June 2007

Title: How to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Now
Authors: Elena Fagotto, Mary Graham
Date: May 2007

Title: More COPS
Authors: John J. Donohue III, Jens Ludwig
Date: March 2007

Title: Global Service Fellowships: Building Bridges through American Volunteers
Authors: John Bridgeland, David Capara, Harris Wofford
Date: March 2007

Title: Beyond Microfinance: Getting Capital to Small and Medium Enterprises to Fuel Faster Development
Authors: David de Ferranti, Anthony J. Ody
Date: March 2007

Title: The Vital Center: A Federal-State Compact to Renew the Great Lakes Region
Authors: Britany Affolter-Caine, Justin Austin
Date: October 2006

Title: The Russian Federation
Authors: Igor Danchenko, Clifford G. Gaddy, Fiona Hill, Dmitry Ivanov
Date: October 2006

Title: The Economic Potential of American Cities
Authors: Bruce Katz
Date: October 2006

Title: Leaders Among Us: Developing a Community Health Worker Program in Washington, D.C.
Authors: Kathy Patrick, Martha Ross
Date: October 2006

Title: Katrina Index: October Findings
Authors: Matt Fellowes, Amy Liu, Mia Mabanta
Date: October 2006

Title: How Well Are American Students Learning?
Authors: Tom Loveless
Date: October 2006

Title: Health Status and Access to Care Among Low-Income Washington, D.C. Residents
Authors: Nicole Lurie, Martha Ross
Date: October 2006

Title: Finding Exurbia: America’s Fast-Growing Communities at the Metropolitan Fringe
Authors: Alan Berube, William H. Frey, Audrey Singer, Jill H. Wilson
Date: October 2006

Title: Charting Maine’s Future: An Action Plan for Promoting Sustainable Prosperity and Quality Places
Date: October 2006

Title: From ‘There’ to ‘Here’: Refugee Resettlement in Metropolitan America
Authors: Audrey Singer, Jill H. Wilson
Date: September 2006

Title: Enhancing Development through Better Use of Public Resources: How Independent Watchdog Groups Can Help
Authors: David de Ferranti, Charles Griffin, Justin Jacinto, Anthony J. Ody, Nick Warren
Date: September 2006

Title: Reforming Tax Incentives into Uniform Refundable Tax Credits
Authors: Lily L. Batchelder, Jr. Fred T. Goldberg, Peter R. Orszag
Date: August 2006

Title: International Volunteering: Smart Power
Authors: Lex Rieffel, Sarah Zalud
Date: June 2006

Title: Untangling China’s Quest for Oil through State-backed Financial Deals
Authors: Erica S. Downs, Peter C. Evans
Date: May 2006

Title: The Effects of Investing in Early Education on Economic Growth
Authors: William T. Dickens, Isabel V. Sawhill, Jeffrey Tebbs
Date: April 2006

Title: Reducing Unwed Childbearing: The Missing Link in Efforts to Promote Marriage
Authors: Andrea Kane, Daniel T. Lichter
Date: April 2006

Title: Pragmatic Reform of Global Governance: Creating an L20 Summit Forum
Authors: Colin I. Bradford Jr., Johannes F. Linn
Date: April 2006

Title: Preparing for Future «Katrinas»
Authors: Robert E. Litan
Date: March 2006

Title: Building Automatic Solvency into U.S. Social Security: Insights from Sweden and Germany
Authors: James C. Capretta
Date: March 2006

Title: The Decline of the Underclass
Authors: Paul A. Jargowsky, Isabel V. Sawhill
Date: January 2006

Title: Autism and Hope
Authors: Help Group
Date: January 2006

Title: Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease: What Does Rationing Do?
Authors: Henry J. Aaron
Date: December 2005

Title: Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease: What Does Rationing Do?
Authors: Henry J. Aaron
Date: December 2005

Title: No Child Left Behind: How to give It a Passing Grade
Authors: Martin R. West
Date: December 2005

…see more

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