Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The secret of the seven sisters

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This is an Al Jazeera English Special Series of four documentaries on the oil companies that have controlled the market since the early seventies and the relation between oil power and geostrategic power in the last century. Did  you know about the Scottish origin of such a long, complex and decisive story?

Al Jazeera 2013-04-05: On August 28, 1928, in the Scottish highlands, began the secret story of oil. Three men had an appointment at Achnacarry Castle – a Dutchman, an American and an Englishman. The Dutchman was Henry Deterding, a man nicknamed the Napoleon of Oil, having exploited a find in Sumatra. He joined forces with a rich ship owner and painted Shell salesman and together the two men founded Royal Dutch Shell. The American was Walter C. Teagle and he represents the Standard Oil Company, founded by John D. Rockefeller at the age of 31 – the future Exxon. Oil..

Desert Storms

The Black El Dorado The Dancing Bear

A Time for Lies

AJ English presentation of the series


Fuelling geopolitics: The oil saga

The secret of the seven sisters: Are we ready?

The Secret Story of the World’s Oil Domination: Who Are the Seven Sisters?






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