Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The state of democracy in Europe 2021

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The pandemic laid bare the strengths and weaknesses of democracies across Europe and the warnings it offers need to be taken seriously. For more than a decade, a majority of Europe’s established democracies have seen their democratic qualities stagnate—or even decline. Some countries show clear signs of erosion of democratic processes and fundamental rights, and several have deteriorated to the point where they can hardly continue to be qualified as democracies.
The arrival of the Covid-19 global health crisis only intensified pressures on democratic institutions. The pandemic has widened the democratic rift between Western Europe and much of Central and Eastern Europe to a dangerous point. The State of Democracy in Europe 2021 report is part of a series of regional and thematic reports associated with the Global State of Democracy 2021 Report.
The Global report, in its third edition, provides up-to-date, incisive, relevant data, analysis and policy guidance on the challenges and opportunities to democratization around the world. The publication and discussions it generates are designed to inform, influence and help shape the agenda for the future of democracy. The full Global State of Democracy and State of Democracy in Europe 2021 reports as well as the related data are available here:

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