Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Truth and Trust in the 21st Century: New Ethics of Journalism

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In an era of social media and lightning-fast breaking news, how do you sort truth from fiction?

Today, you can watch and listen in as a panel of traditional and new media practitioners discuss how they make ethical decisions on what to post and when.

Produced by The Poynter Institute and MediaShift, “Truth and Trust in the 21st Century,” will expand on the essays in the new book, “The New Ethics of Journalism,” edited by Poynter senior faculty Kelly McBride and Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute. McBride will moderate a panel on stage, and include a selection of diverse voices from the audience. The discussion will include recent case studies, how decisions were made and tips on how to get at the truth — and create trust — in the social age… MORE

Just 1 hour until «Trust and Truth in the 21st Century.» Livestream here:  And ask questions w/ hashatg .

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