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U.S. First Ladies: Influence & Image

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This C-Span two-year feature series on the U.S. First Ladies, examining their private lives and the public roles they played in the White House, is a new and, in my view, interesting perspective  on the 44 administrations covered by the ambitious project.

Produced in cooperation with the White House Historical Association, each week «First Ladies: Influence and Image» will feature the women who served in the role of First Lady over 44 administrations. This project is the first of its kind –a comprehensive biography series on all of the First Ladies produced for television.

C-SPAN and the White House Historical Association also will collaborate on a video-rich website to accompany the series. The interactive site will feature historic letters, documents and photographs, classroom resources, biographies, recordings, as well as additional resources.

Peabody Award winning C-SPAN feature producer Mark Farkas will executive produce the series Season One, from Martha Washington through Ida McKinley, debuts Presidents Day 2013 (Feb. 18) and continues on C-SPAN every Monday at 9pm ET until June 2013 (15 programs). Season Two, from Edith Roosevelt to Michelle Obama, debuts September 2013 and continues on C-SPAN every Monday in prime time until Feb. 2014 (20 programs).

For an approximation to the content, I’ll pick a letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, dated October 4, 1762. Take it just as a drop of nectar in a historical honeypot.

Letter from John Adams to Abigail Smith, 4 October 1762


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