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Understanding cyber conflict: 14 analogies

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Understanding Cyber Conflict draws lessons from past technological disruptions to inform and shape responses to today’s cyber challenges.
    • Published October 16, 2017

by Georgetown University Press


George Perkovich and Ariel E. LeviteFree download

I. What Are Cyber Weapons Like?

  1. Intelligence in Cyber—and Cyber in Intelligence
    Michael WarnerFree download
  2. Nonlethal Weapons and Cyber Capabilities
    Lt. Gen. Robert E. Schmidle Jr. (USMC, Ret.), Michael Sulmeyer, and Ben BuchananFree download
  3. Cyber Weapons and Precision-Guided Munitions
    James M. ActonFree download
  4. Cyber, Drones, and Secrecy
    David E. SangerFree download

II. What Might Cyber Wars Be Like?

  1. Cyber War and Information War à la Russe
    Stephen BlankFree download
  2. An Ounce of (Virtual) Prevention?
    John ArquillaFree download
  3. Crisis Instability and Preemption: The 1914 Railroad Analogy
    Francis J. GavinFree download
  4. Brits-Krieg: The Strategy of Economic Warfare
    Nicholas A. LambertFree download
  5. Why a Digital Pearl Harbor Makes Sense . . . and Is Possible
    Emily O. Goldman and Michael WarnerFree download

III. What Are Preventing and Managing Cyber Conflict Like?

  1. Cyber Threats, Nuclear Analogies? Divergent Trajectories in Adapting to New Dual-Use Technologies
    Steven E. MillerFree download
  2. From Pearl Harbor to the “Harbor Lights”
    John ArquillaFree download
  3. Active Cyber Defense: Applying Air Defense to the Cyber Domain
    Dorothy E. Denning and Bradley J. StrawserFree download
  4. “When the Urgency of Time and Circumstances Clearly Does Not Permit . . .”: Pre-delegation in Nuclear and Cyber Scenarios
    Peter Feaver and Kenneth GeersFree download
  5. Cybersecurity and the Age of Privateering
    Florian EgloffFree download

George Perkovich and Ariel E. Levite


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