Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

US Midterm Madness

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The 2018 midterm elections are tomorrow, and the media is paying unprecedented attention. ABC news executive Marc Burstein said his network plans to treat the event like a presidential election. Other TV news networks are also dedicating more than the usual one hour of primetime midterm coverage, bumping popular shows in favor of election coverage that executives say viewers prefer.


It’s not just TV news: here’s what digitally focused news organizations are doing to engage audiences:

Voter Guides

Generally, voter turnout is much lower for the midterms than for presidential elections. Several news organizations are working to increase midterm turnout with different voter guides:

TheSkimm’s No Excuses Ballot Cheat Sheet gives explanations of the role of each seat and who each candidate is based on each user’s location. TheSkimm’s No Excuses platform registered at least 100,000 people to vote in the midterm elections.

ProPublica’s “A User’s Guide to Democracy was a series of eight emails, personalized to readers based on their congressional districts. ProPublica started sending these emails in September, and topics have covered each candidate’s key issues, guides to understanding political advertising, voting reminders, and action items.


What are the US midterms and why do they matter? – video explainer

On 6 November, US voters get their first chance to pass judgment on Donald Trump since he became president. Here’s all you need to know about the US midterms

Today marks Election Day in the . The not only decide who takes control of the House or Senate, but they are also a referendum of President Donald . Do you think today’s is a crucial test? … 


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