Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

War and hunger

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World hunger is increasing thanks to wars and climate change

Global Hunger Index 2018

Map: The world’s hunger problem

War and Peace

The true cause of hunger and famine? War and weak governance

‘Hunger is killing me’: starvation as a weapon of war in South Sudan

Armed Conflict and the Challenge of Hunger: Is an End in Sight?

Conflict and hunger

Is Intentional Starvation the Future of War? – The New Yorker

The top 9 causes of world hunger – Concern

New global hunger report: a wake-up call on links between conflict, forces migration and hunger 

Starving to death

Hunger, a lethal weapon of war

Hunger as a weapon of war: How food insecurity has been exacerbated in Syria and Yemen

How many Germans died of hunger in the post World War II famine?

War on hunger 

War and hunger

Half of Iraqi families at risk of hunger after years of war – U.N.

World hunger levels rise for third year running: U.N.

Drought threatens millions of Afghans with hunger: U.N.

‘We stand no chance of ending hunger’ without peace, U.N. says


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