Washington Post editor on Putin’s views on war and other CNN videos 20 marzo, 2022 por Felipe Sahagún | Sin comentarios LINK LINK Proshenko on Putin’s genocide claim What would a cornered Putin do next? CNN correspondent has a prediction ‘Little bit of desperation’: Retired general explains Russia’s latest move Top commander describes the tactics he’s using against Russia Hear top US general’s assessment of Russia’s troops Hear what Putin told large crowd amid invasion Retired colonel: This is how Russia is trying to replenish their forces Retired Gen. Petraeus explains how Ukrainians are taking out Russian generals ‘This will happen’: Twice-poisoned Putin critic makes prediction about Russian government Entradas relacionadas: La desinformación sobre el conflicto ruso-ucraniano (AFP Factual, Poynter, Peter W. Singer y otros 15 medios) Trump and the military FPI overnight brief (Feb 25, 2016) Early Bird Brief (Oct 12, 2015)