According to the UN Refugee Agency, there are over 43.7 million refugees and internally displaced persons around the world and, of those, UNCHR provides lifesaving assistance and protection to 34 million of them.
On June 19th, 2013, the World Refugee Day, the UN Agency published the following message and video
You can help refugees rebuild their lives.Sign up to receive email alerts containing news, events and ways to get involved for World Refugee Day 2013…
Imagine being the mother of a sick and hungry child and having to decide between risking your life staying in a conflict or leaving behind everything in search of safety. UNHCR provides tents, shelter, supplies and life-saving services to refugees – 80% are women and children. Millions of refugees need help all around the world – 1 family torn apart by war is too many.
Our goal is to share refugee stories with you – to get the word out, so compassionate people across America will extend their generosity and concern to support – 1 family at a time. You can help us. Please take action now.
UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie delivers the message: No one chooses to be a refugee. You can help: Visit now to make a difference. Part of UNHCR’s 2012 World Refugee Day global social advocacy campaign, «Dilemmas», Angelina’s message for 2012 aims to help fight intolerance and xenophobia against refugees.
Stay and risk being killed? Escape, and risk rape, kidnap or worse?
What would you do? Refugees have no choice… but you do.
Put yourself in their shoes with these videos.
Reporteros Sin Fronteras publicó el Día Mundial del Refugiado el balance del apoyo otorgado por la organización, en 2012, a periodistas en dificultades: un total de 166 ayudas, que ascienden a una suma superior a 160.000 euros.
La ayuda, coordinada por el Despacho de Asistencia del Secretariado Internacional de la organización, con sede en París, y su homólogo alemán, con sede en Berlín, ha estado destinada a cubrir las necesidades administrativas, materiales y financieras de periodistas y medios de comunicación víctimas de ataques, agresiones o persecuciones que les impedían continuar con sus actividades.
El apoyo de RSF ha permitido a periodistas en riesgo ponerse a salvo, cubrir sus gastos médicos o legales, o enviar ayuda urgente a los informadores exiliados. Un tercio de las ayudas otorgadas en 2012 ha estado destinado a periodistas originarios de países de Oriente Medio, principalmente de Siria y de Irán, por al éxodo masivo al que se ven obligados los actores de la información en el conflicto sirio, y la represión endémica a los informadores iraníes… Seguir leyendo
Ethiopian refugees. Persecuted Oromo demand UN protection in Egipt amid dam dispute. By Leyland Cesco. AJEnglish. June 20, 2013. 16:15.