El año feminista; por Soledad Gallego-Díaz Si el movimiento contra el acoso sexual resiste los ataques, puede marcar la historia del feminismo.
MACHORRAGIA. Adoración a Sol Gallego Díaz. Podría cerrar con este artículo mi Twitter 2017. El año feminista https://elpais.com/elpais/2017/12/15/opinion/1513359149_863472.html …
The geopolitics of sexual harassment – Elcano Blog The sexual harassment of women has made its way onto the global agenda. What has started in the US could start to have geopolitical ramifications blog.realinstitutoelcano.org
Felipe Sahagún@sahagunfelipe Why did it take so long for sexual harassment to make its way into the global agenda? Why this hurricane originated in the US? -by @andresortegakhttps://blog.realinstitutoelcano.org/en/the-geopolitics-of-sexual-harassment/ … v @rielcano