Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Attacks on the Press 2015 (CPJ)

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Foreword By Christiane Amanpour

Going it alone: More freelancers means less support, greater danger

Broadcasting murder: Militants use media for deadly purpose

Covering war for the first time—in Syria

The rules of conflict reporting are changing

Lack of media coverage compounds the violence in Libya

Reporting, with bodyguards, on the Paraguayan border

Audio: Freelancers in Danger

Between conflict and stability: Journalists in Mexico and Pakistan cope with everyday threats

Treating the Internet as the enemy in the Middle East

Conflating terrorism and journalism in Ethiopia

Surveillance forces journalists to think and act like spies

Overzealous British media prompt overzealous backlash

Finding new ways to censor journalists in Turkey

We completely agree: Egyptian media in the era of President el-Sisi

Two continents, two courts, two approaches to privacy

Amid Ebola outbreak, West African governments try to isolate media

Outdated secrecy laws stifle the press in South Africa

Journalists grapple with increasing power of European extremists

Indian businesses exert financial muscle to control the press

For clues to censorship in Hong Kong, look to Singapore, not Beijing

The death of glasnost: How Russia’s attempt at openness failed

Journalists overcome obstacles with crowdfunding and determination

Trends in press freedom: The 10 most censored countries

Media wars create information vacuum in Ukraine

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