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Current History Book Reviews

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The Accidental Coup, Feb. 2010, 84
Afghanistan’s Unpromising Endgame, April 2013, 155
And Now, Reverse Migration, April 2009, 189
At the Cemetery Gates?, April 2010, 173
After Fidel: Oh, Brother . . . , Feb. 2007, 91
Behind China’s Rise in Africa, May 2010, 213
The Burden of Communist Legacies, Oct. 2014, 293
Can Central Bankers Save the World?, Nov. 2013, 326
China According to Henry, Sept. 2011, 251
China Policy for Dummies, Sept. 2010, 267
China’s Shame and Rejuvenation, Sept. 2013, 244
Coming to Grips with Gandhi, April 2012, 157
Darfur and the Politics of Altruism, May 2007, 235
Dawn of the Almighty Dollar, Nov. 2014, 332
Dictators and Democrats, Unite!, Nov. 2011, 334
Eastern Europe Behind the Curtain, March 2013, 118
Fighting Wars for Human Rights, Nov. 2012, 325
Forbidden Memories of 1989, Sept. 2014, 252
A Front-Row Seat for the End of History, Oct. 2011, 294
The Great Deception, Jan. 2007, 44
Grubby China Hands, Sept. 2007, 296
Haiti and the Crisis Caravan, Feb. 2013, 77
Has the Cuban Moment Arrived?, Feb. 2009, 93
Hearts of Darkness, May 2009, 235
History the Victors Left Unwritten, March 2009, 140
In Search of Democracy’s Secret Recipe, Feb. 2014, 85
The Indian Way, April 2007, 188
Is One Special Interest Special?, Dec. 2007, 443
It’s Not Easy Being Green, Jan. 2009, 44
Latin America: Next Top Model?, Feb. 2011, 83
The Last Gulags, Sept. 2012, 244
Leagues of Nations, Jan. 2013, 38
The Making of a (Partly) New Order, March 2010, 126
Muslims in the Melting Pot, Dec. 2010, 403
The Not So Wise Men, Oct. 2010, 310
The Pathological Alliance, April 2014, 165
The Pirates of Puntland, May 2012, 198
Remember Chechnya?, Oct. 2007, 349
Rethinking the African Past, May 2014, 205
The Revolution Must Be Televised, March 2011, 125
The Revolution Will Be Digitized, Sept. 2009, 291
Russia’s Technical Difficulties, Oct. 2013, 285
Salvation Stories, Feb. 2012, 77
The Scramble for Africa’s Farmland, May 2013, 198
Seeing Russia Clearly, Oct. 2009, 341
Set Your Alarm Clocks for 2103, Jan. 2011, 38
A Skeptic’s Take on Climate Control, Nov. 2007, 397
Southern Africa Beyond Caricature, May 2011, 204
Stuck With Putin, Oct. 2012, 284
The Surge Was Hell, Dec. 2009, 433
Turkey’s Choice, March 2014, 125
What Arabs Think, Dec. 2013, 366
When Great Powers Get Together, Nov. 2009, 390
When India Starved and Britain Stood By, April 2011, 165
Wrestling with Euro-Islam, March 2007, 140



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