Dear Sir or Madam,
Today (March 18, 2015) , the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK) presents its current data and analyses on global conflict events of the year 2014. Our annual publication, Conflict Barometer 2014, entails an overview of 424 inter- and intrastate conflicts. The publication can be accessed for free via
We hope that the information provided in the Conflict Barometer will prove to be useful for your research and teaching. If you have feedback for us, please let us know:
Board of Directors
Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK)
Seit heute steht das Conflict Barometer 2014 digital zum Download bereit!.
Africa’s Conflict Burden in a Global Context – Institute for …
by J Cilliers
ISS paper 273 | OCTOBer 2014. Jakkie Cilliers. AfricaLs … Heidelberg conflict Barometer, the political instability task Force (pitF), the armed conflict … the data presented here is either from 1960 to 2013, or from 1989 to 2013, largely coinciding …