Reporting on the Middle East 3 junio, 2014 por Felipe Sahagún | Sin comentarios U.S. Inst. of Peace @USIP On Thurs., USIP and @IWPR look at #ConflictReporting in the Middle East. Join us! 11:12 PM – 5 May 2014 Fanning the Flames or Fueling the Peace? The U.S. Institute of Peace and the Institute for War & Peace Reporting invite you to a discussion on the role of the media in both inciting and mitigating violence. U.S. Inst. of Peace @USIP Patrick Cockburn: “Los Gobiernos europeos han evadido su responsabilidad sobre Siria, Libia e Irak” Entradas relacionadas: Desinformando sobre Oriente Medio // Misreporting on the Middle East US policy in the Middle East The Middle East spider’s web Diplomacy, Obama and the Middle East