Measuring Social Progress, Not Wealth: Why the Social Progress Index has become an invaluable tool for development in Latin America
The Social Progress Index (SPI) was created to make the concept of social progress as important as economic growth in both measuring and guiding development. By aggregating a series of social and environmental indicators, the SPI captures three dimensions of social progress: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity. Debuted globally in 2013, the SPI is now in use by governments, civil society, and the private sector from Mexico to Brazil. Join our panel of experts to explore why the SPI has been used in countries and communities throughout the Americas and discuss its potential future impact on the region.
Keynote Speakers
Michael Green
CEO, Social Progress Imperative
Roberto Artavia Loría
Vice Chair, Social Progress Imperative
Victor Umaña
Director, Latin American Center for Competitiveness & Sustainable Development
INCAE Business School
Mayra Buvinic
Senior Fellow, UN Foundation
Eric L. Olson
Associate Director, Latin American Program
Woodrow Wilson Center
Photo Credit: Amy Duchelle / Flickr / Creative Commons
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