The war in Afghanistan has had high costs for the United States in terms of lives lost, troops deployed and dollars spent. …MORE
30 agosto, 2021
por Felipe Sahagún
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30 agosto, 2021
por Felipe Sahagún
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The war in Afghanistan has had high costs for the United States in terms of lives lost, troops deployed and dollars spent. …MORE
22 enero, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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Hansi Escobar@hansiescobar Estos datos deberían hacernos reflexionar sobre el presente, y sobre todo sobre el futuro que espera a las nuevas generaciones. … 19:33 – 21 ene. 2018 Related Conflict costs the global economy $14 trillion a year
17 julio, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
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LINK SUMMARY Over 370,000 people have died due to direct war violence, and at least 800,000 more indirectly 200,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the fighting at the hands of all parties to the conflict 10.1 million — the number of war refugees … Sigue leyendo