Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

20 diciembre, 2023
por Felipe Sahagún
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America’s Dangerous Pessimism (F. Zakaria)

Most Americans think their country is in decline. So do their leaders. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have embraced foreign policies premised on the notion that the global order no longer serves American interests. But these pessimistic assumptions are wrong, … Sigue leyendo

29 noviembre, 2013
por Felipe Sahagún
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The changing role of the US

The Changing Role of the US in the World | Thursday 28 November 2013 13:00 – 14:00 Xenia Dormandy, Project Director, US; Acting Dean, Academy for Leadership in International Affairs, Chatham HouseGillian Tett, Markets and Finance Commentator; Assistant Editor, Financial TimesChair: Steven … Sigue leyendo