Invisible armies (Max Boot)
3 octubre, 2019
por Felipe Sahagún
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3 octubre, 2019
por Felipe Sahagún
Sin comentarios Invisible armies (Max Boot)
11 febrero, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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A naive, adventure-driven videographer with OCD sees himself as the hero of his macho fantasies as he fights alongside rebels in Libya. Tribeca’s feature documentary prize confirms there’s an audience for this story of a low-key guy from Baltimore overcoming psychological handicaps … Sigue leyendo
5 febrero, 2016
por Felipe Sahagún
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Felipe Sahagún @sahagunfelipe Interesting interview with @MaxBoot on #insurgency and #guerrilla warfare over the last 4,000 years. v @KyleWOrton 11:50 PM – 5 Feb 2016 WSJ Video @WSJvideo
7 febrero, 2014
por Felipe Sahagún
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Classical interstate wars are quite a recent phenomenon in historical terms. Even accepting as states the old imperial actors, most violent confrontations in history until Napoleon mirrored irregular wars much more than conventional ones. No surprise, therefore, in Max Boot … Sigue leyendo
26 octubre, 2013
por Felipe Sahagún
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Guerrillas in the West Why our next war will be fought in cities. By Shawn Brimley (The Washington Monthly, Nov-Dec 2013) Two years after former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates left the Pentagon, he bluntly told an audience of West … Sigue leyendo