The Difference Between a Killer and a Terrorist Two mass murders reveal how difficult—and important—it is to correctly identify terrorism when it occurs. 0:27 – 6 may. 2018
5 mayo, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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5 mayo, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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The Difference Between a Killer and a Terrorist Two mass murders reveal how difficult—and important—it is to correctly identify terrorism when it occurs. 0:27 – 6 may. 2018
29 diciembre, 2015
por Felipe Sahagún
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What is the citizenship status of terrorist suspects in the United States? By Amy Sherman on Tuesday, December 29th, 2015 at 9:58 a.m. Republican presidential candidates sparred over immigration during the 2015 primary debates, and in recent months, they linked … Sigue leyendo