What is the impact of the CIA report? http://on.cfr.org/1zJIYs9
The 10 most harrowing excerpts from the CIA interrogation report http://wapo.st/12HRiMl
Dick #Cheney‘s, defense of brutal #CIA interrogations is falling apart under scrutiny. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/12/fox-news-catches-dick-cheney-dissembling-about-torture/383690/ …
WATCH ONLINE: Covering the CIA #TortureReport. Plus, the ethics of graphic imagery – how much is too much? | http://trib.al/SruqCMD
El análisis en LA TERTULIA de R5 y Radio Exterior de España
Existe-t-il une torture « légitime » ? por lemondefr[/dailymotion] • Mis à jour le | Par Olivier Clairouin Durée : 05:09 | Images : Jean-Guillaume Santi / Le Monde.fr – Reuters
.@PsychToday «As an anthropologist, I am fascinated by the term “enhanced interrogation.” http://ow.ly/GgnzI
Since Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan introduced bills in 1991 and 1995 to abolish the Central Intelligence Agency and transfer its powers to the State Department, many have continued to share his concerns about the agency’s competence and performance. The Senate intelligence committee’s report on the use of torture is the latest example of the agency’s controversies.
Would the security needs of the United States be better served if the C.I.A. were dismantled?