Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

The Syria conflict (Sep 2015)

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Test your knowledge Do you understand the Syria conflict? Take the quiz. (Source: The Christian Science Monitor)

Obama, Putin agree militaries to hold talks to avoid conflicts in Syria

When Putin met Obama – diplomacy decoded by the Russian internet – The Guardian

New report on the and the response by the intl community at

War in Syria prompts first opening of global doomsday seed vault

Escaping Syria to Europe’s unknown

on Conflict: ‘A daily hustle to survive: This is the life of a Syrian refugee’

France’s  open to  talks without preconditions   v

Thousands Enter to Join Despite Global Efforts v

Shifting Direction, Kerry Aims to Include Iran in Efforts to End the Conflict in Syria v @nytimes

Vladimir Putin bids for major world role as his forces move into Syria

How a lack of informed debate in Congress costs those in Syria.

« will be the biggest blot on the presidency, a debacle of staggering proportions» by

Who’s Bombing Who in ? … v








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