Test your knowledge Do you understand the Syria conflict? Take the quiz. (Source: The Christian Science Monitor)
Putin’s distraction ploy. Russia’s interventions in Syria and Ukraine – The Economist (blog) http://dlvr.it/CPZcsy The Economist
Obama, Putin agree militaries to hold talks to avoid conflicts in Syria http://trove.com/me/content/zsp05?utm_campaign=hosted&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=sns&ts=1443537215 … @ConflictsUpdate
When Putin met Obama – diplomacy decoded by the Russian internet – The Guardian http://dlvr.it/CJBNYx @DiplomacyPlaza
New report on the #SyrianRefugees and the response by the intl community at http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2015/09/syrian-refugee-international-challenges-ferris-kirisci … #refugeescrisis @BrookingsFP
War in Syria prompts first opening of global doomsday seed vault http://trib.al/lwebmtU @csmonitor
Escaping Syria to Europe’s unknown http://aje.io/sbmk @AJEnglish
#Longreads on Conflict: ‘A daily hustle to survive: This is the life of a Syrian refugee’ http://bit.ly/1OUCVJc @GlobalPost
France’s #Fabius open to #Syria talks without preconditions http://f24.my/1NTL1B3 v @France24_en
Thousands Enter #Syria to Join #ISIS Despite Global Efforts http://nyti.ms/1VhYdAa v @nytimes
Shifting Direction, Kerry Aims to Include Iran in Efforts to End the Conflict in Syria http://nyti.ms/1Vi7JmR v @nytimes
Vladimir Putin bids for major world role as his forces move into Syria http://d.gu.com/CGtBRm @guardiannews
How a lack of informed debate in Congress costs those in Syria. http://cs.is/1KU4kuT v @CSIS
«#Syria will be the biggest blot on the #Obama presidency, a debacle of staggering proportions» http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/11/opinion/roger-cohen-obamas-syrian-nightmare.html … by @NYTimesCohen v @HaizamAmirah
Who’s Bombing Who in #Syria? http://europe.newsweek.com/whos-bombing-who-syria-333887 … … v @JFXM