«This is reportage pure and simple—and it is first-rate . . . [Mr. Wright] recounts his findings in crystalline prose [and] never loses his own moral compass.» —Max Boot, The Wall Street Journal
«Definitive: a narrative roadmap of how we got here, from the ashes of Lower Manhattan to the rise of the Islamic State . . . Few journalists understand [this] ever-evolving war better than Wright.» —Michael Friscolanti, Maclean’s
“A new insightful, informative series of essays . . . Taken together, they provide a thoughtful analysis of the forces that have shaped a volatile part of the world and the policies that have made peace so elusive.” —Dale Singer, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
«Wright [weaves] his research . . . into a fine tapestry of personal experience and unobtrusive reflection.» –James Traub, The New York Times Book Review
«Wright has a gift only the most talented journalists possess: Whether unpacking large and complex entities like al-Qaeda or drawing in-depth profiles of FBI agents, he brings the world vividly to our fingertips.» —O Magazine
«Clear and sharp writing . . . Each story is a densely packed nugget of information.» –USA Today