The Iraq War –The Documentary (BBC)
Country Profile (BBC)
Iraq Headlines (Reuters)
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, ISIS, and Iran: Is «Half» a Strategy Better than None? (CSIS)
After ISIS: Creating Strategic Stability in Iraq (CSIS)
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, ISIS, and Iran: Is «Half» a Strategy Better than None? (CSIS)
The Middle East 2017 (Brookings)
Tony Blair: a pretty straight sort of guy on the Iraq war? (Guardian)
Iraq profile – timeline (BBC News)
Chilcot Report (BBC)
Iraq and Syria face further instability as Isis influence wanes (FTimes)
The Race to the Iraqi Border Begins (Stratfor)
Endgame in Iraq (Foreign Affairs) Timeline
War Against Islamic State in Iraq (CFR Global Conflict Tracker)
Five facts on Iraq’s future (Live Stories)
Future of Iraq Task Force (The Atlantic Council, May 2017)
Iraq’s population at risk (Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect) 15 July 2017 Issue 34
Iraq (UNHCR)
3-year Iraq conflict drives internal displacement to ‘nearly unprecedented’ level (NRC and IDMC)