Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

World population prospects: 1950-2100

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Marcos Antón Renart@marcosantonr

📊 Evolución de la distribución de la población mundial (1950-2100).


Más defunciones que nacimientos en Europa – The New Barcelona Post

Italia y Alemania son los dos países europeos que perdieron más población de manera natural (nacimientos menos defunciones) durante el año 2017. En Italia, durante el pasado año nacieron 458.200…


puts in perspective. People killed in terror attacks in 2017: (Blue) vs (Red). Source:
of . That’s all you need to know when travelling in Italy. Well, you better also make sure to order espresso rather than a milky coffee after lunchtime. Here is an interactive version of this map:
Shows Average Ages Across The World. Is Very Young. Big Need For Economic Opportunities There If Major Migration Is To Be Avoided. Source:
compares the size of countries and cities in South Asia with international benchmarks. Remember that the region is home to about a quarter of all humans. Source:
Nice chart. I think this reddit post also puts terrorism into perspective:
shows that nearly 13 million (!!!) Syrians are displaced. It will take decades to fix that mess and settle the situation in . Source:
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