Our video for World Press Freedom Day! Remember our panel discussion is tonight at 6 p.m. in Humanities 135! Come stop by for an interesting discussion about press freedom violations and conflict reporting. (29 de abril a las 0:06)
Press freedom: The everyday fight #WPFD2015
World Press Freedom Day celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom. This year we focus on the grave threats facing journalists as they report on conflicts, and how the digital environment has made journalists more exposed and vulnerable than ever. Read More
ELMUNDO: The last lesson of Margaret Sullivan, NYTimes Public Editor, at Columbia Journalism School (April 2015). 30 años en 395 palabras – por Luis Oz vía @elmundo_orbyt
World Press Freedom Index 2015: decline on all fronts
The Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index ranks the performance of 180 countries according to a range of criteria that include media pluralism and independence, respect for the safety and freedom of journalists, and the legislative, institutional and infrastructural environment in which the media operate.
Top of the list, as so often, are three Scandinavian countries: Finland, which has been in first place for five years in succession, followed by Norway and Denmark. At the other end of the scale, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea, in last place, were the worst performers. France is ranked 38th (up one place), the United States 49th (down three places), Japan 61st (down two places), Brazil 99 (up 12 places), Russia 152 (down four places), Iran 173rd (unchanged) and China 176th (down one place).
The 2015 World Press Freedom Index highlights the worldwide deterioration in freedom of information in 2014. Beset by wars, the growing threat from non-state operatives, violence during demonstrations and the economic crisis, media freedom is in retreat on all five continents.
The indicators compiled by Reporters Without Borders are incontestable. There was a drastic decline in freedom of information in 2014. Two-thirds of the 180 countries surveyed for the 2015 World Press Freedom Index performed less well than in the previous year. The annual global indicator, which measures the overall level of violations of freedom of information in 180 countries year by year, has risen to 3,719, an 8 percent increase over 2014 and almost 10 percent compared with 2013. The decline affected all continents.
.@PacoAudije: ‘La libertad de expresión en #Europa, entre la hipocresía y la rutina’ http://goo.gl/rkP5Md #WPFD2015 ( )
.@PacoAudije: ‘Free expression in #Europe – between hypocrisy and routine’ http://goo.gl/ImMpPa #WPFD2015 ( )
No hay que perseguir el mensajero #periodistas#PorLaLibertadDePrensa http://goo.gl/IvMfLm @sergioarribas @rgarciadeandres @juanmanfredi ( )
Many old rules for covering conflict no longer apply by @janinedigi. #AttacksOnPress http://cpj.org/x/5fea Interesting ideas and proposals
Día Mundial #LibertadDePrensa: Lanzamos herramienta para visibilizar las detenciones a periodistas http://libertadinformacion.cc/dia-mundial-de-la-libertad-de-prensa-la-pdli-lanza-una-herramienta-para-visibilizar-detenciones-a-periodistas/ …#MordazaALaPrensa
Today is World Press Freedom Day.Take a moment 2 remember those who lost their lives 2 tell the stories #JamesFoley https://www.facebook.com/RememberingJimFoley?fref=nf …
‘La amenaza está (también) aquí’. Una reflexión personal en @_tintalibre al hilo del #DíaMundialDeLaLibertadDePrensahttp://www.infolibre.es/noticias/tinta_libre/2015/05/02/la_amenaza_esta_tambien_aqui_32169_1042.html …
Hoy, día mundial de la #LibertadDePrensa, los ganadores del #PremioSájarov nos cuentan por qué hay que defenderla. https://cards.twitter.com/cards/lt1az/ilf9 …
#PorLaLibertadDePrensa porque sin periodistas no hay periodismo y sin periodismo no hay democracia. Manifiesto FAPE: http://ow.ly/MrBlP
15 películas para el Día de la Libertad de Prensa
#CollateralFreedom: La lutte contre la censure continue ! RSF débloque deux nouveaux sites http://ift.tt/1H0RzHd