Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

World Trade 2017

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The publication also looks into trade in value-added terms and the latest trade policy developments, highlighting recent trends in WTO members’ use of trade-restrictive and trade-facilitating measures. In addition, it provides information on the participation of developing economies in world trade, Aid-for-Trade financial commitments and implementation of the WTO’s landmark Trade Facilitation Agreement.

The analytical chapters are complemented by a statistical appendix of over 60 tables providing comprehensive data on various facets of world trade in goods and services.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Trends in world trade: Looking back over the past ten years
    Charts and tables
  3. World trade and GDP growth in 2016 and early 2017
    Charts and tables
  4. Merchandise trade and trade in commercial services
    Charts and tables
  5. Trading patterns: Global and regional perspectives
    Charts and tables
  6. Participation of developing economies in world trade
    Charts and tables
  7. Trade policy developments
    Charts and tables
  8. Composition, definitions & methodology
  9. Statistical tables


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