2014 Was a Chaotic Year for #FreeSpeech in the Middle East, North Africa, by @JillianCYorkhttp://ow.ly/GxIPM #YearInReview
10 New Year’s resolutions for news media companies in 2015 (Dan Johnson via @inmaorg) http://ow.ly/GxqZD #MustReads#BestOf2014
Pilar Millán @PilarMillan Report: Technology trends journalists should watch in 2015 https://www.journalism.co.uk/a563417 vía @journalismnews Report: Technology trends journalists should watch in 2015 The Webbmedia trends report explains how robots, intelligent cameras and the ‘Spotify of news’, among others, could come into play in the new year
La rana hervida: informe sobre el periodismo | Jot Down http://www.jotdown.es/2014/12/la-rana-hervida-informe-sobre-la-muerte-y-resurreccion-del-periodismo-i/ …
OJD noviembre: Las ventas ‘El Mundo’ se desploman un 10% y la difusión de ‘El País’ un 10,7% http://www.tercerainformacion.es/spip.php?article79103 …@pedroj_ramirez
I share @mathewi‘s optimism about lots of developments in journalism: https://gigaom.com/2014/12/22/the-year-in-media-12-reasons-why-we-should-be-optimistic/ …