Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

18 septiembre, 2023
por Felipe Sahagún
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«Open Source Evidence in International Criminal Courts and Tribunals» with Judy Mionki

Judy Mionki, an international criminal and human rights lawyer, spoke to us about the use of open source evidence in international criminal tribunals, from the Nuremberg Trials in 1945 to today. She also shared her experiences as a Defence Counsel … Sigue leyendo

2 noviembre, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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Por un periodismo más seguro, contra la impunidad

Committee to Protect Journalists‏@pressfreedom  These are the countries where journalists get killed and the killers go free: #Somalia #Syria #Iraq South Sudan The #Philippines #Afghanistan #Mexico #Colombia #Pakistan #Brazil #Russia #Bangladesh Nigeria India #EndImpunity #IDEI #ImpunityIndex …

31 octubre, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
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Crimes against journalists

Guy Berger @guyberger Ahead of 2 Nov Day to #EndImpunity for Crimes Against Journalists, read … … 11:53 – 30 oct. 2017 OSCE media freedom @OSCE_RFoM #EndImpunity for crimes against journalists, media workers should be free from fear of violence #Ukraine 19:35 – 20 oct. 201 CPJ‏Cuenta verificada @pressfreedom  CPJ to release annual … Sigue leyendo