Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

2 noviembre, 2018
por Felipe Sahagún
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Por un periodismo más seguro, contra la impunidad

Committee to Protect Journalists‏@pressfreedom  These are the countries where journalists get killed and the killers go free: #Somalia #Syria #Iraq South Sudan The #Philippines #Afghanistan #Mexico #Colombia #Pakistan #Brazil #Russia #Bangladesh Nigeria India #EndImpunity #IDEI #ImpunityIndex …

17 diciembre, 2017
por Felipe Sahagún
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Covering war, conflict, violence…

  What’s the right way to cover extremism? GIJN@gijn  «An Attack on One is an Attack on All» report highlights successful initiatives to protect journalists & combat impunity that can possibly be replicated in other countries @larry_kilman @abbasz55 @sricchia @INSInews @CPJ @IJNet