Losing by «Winning»: America’s Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria
The U.S. has now reached the point where the third Administration in a row is fighting wars where the U.S. often scores serious tactical victories and makes claims that it is moving toward some… csis.org
Losing by «Winning»: America’s #Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria -por A. Cordesman https://www.csis.org/analysis/losing-winning-americas-wars-afghanistan-iraq-and-syria …
Terrorist attacks are quietly declining around the world (By Adam Taylor, W Post)
The university’s Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) program found there were 10,900 terrorist attacks around the world last year, which killed a total of 26,400 people, including perpetrators. That was a drop from 2016, which was in turn a drop from 2015. Right now, the number of terrorist attacks and deaths from terrorism appears to have peaked in 2014, when there were nearly 17,000 attacks and more than 45,000 victims.
What explains the downward trend? In Western Europe, where the number of attacks increased slightly in 2017 — but the number of victims dropped by 65 percent — it may be matters of policing and counterintelligence. British prime minister Theresa May said Tuesday that the country had foiled 13 Islamist terror plots and four far-right plots since March 2017, when last year’s attack near the Houses of Parliament occurred.
#Daesh, far from finished in #Iraq and #Syria https://www.voanews.com/amp/far-from-dead-tens-of-thousands-of-is-fighters-linger-in-iraq-syria/4527452.html?__twitter_impression=true …
UN report: Up to 30,000 Islamic State members in Iraq, Syria
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Islamic State extremist group has up to 30,000 members roughly equally distributed between Syria and Iraq and its global network poses a rising threat & apnews.com
#UN report: Up to 30,000 Islamic State members in #Iraq, #Syria https://apnews.com/b6a68763cd484032820c3a5d7f7a5481 … v @AP #ISIS
Carlos Igualada@carlos_igualada
El funcionamiento de la célula de Ripoll.
El papel de cada uno de los terroristas.
La reconstrucción de los acontecimientos.
La atención a las víctimas. Interrogantes y lecciones que aprender
IntelBrief: The Challenging Math of Islamic State Fighters – The Soufan Center In December 2017, the spokesman for the U.S.-led Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve—the coalition fighting the so-called Islamic State—stated, ‘there’s about 1,000 across Iraq and… thesoufancenter.org
Europa se fortalece frente al yihadismo: el número de ataques ha disminuido este año
Desde los atentados de Barcelona y Cambrils, la actividad yihadista no ha cesado, pero ningún ataque ha sido tan letal como el que se sufrió hace un año en España. El papel de Europa con respecto al… antena3.com