Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

2013 Change Readiness Index

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2013 Change Readiness Index:

New Global Index on «Change Readiness» Reveals Countries Best Prepared to Withstand and Respond to Change

KPMG’s Analysis of 90 Countries Finds That Wealth Alone Doesn’t Predict a Country’s Readiness for Inevitable Shocks and Long-Term Change.

 A new study by KPMG International brings fresh insight to the capacity of countries to respond to change, caused by shocks such as natural disasters or longer-term trends like technology, demographics, global competition, and investment.

KPMG’s 2013 Change Readiness Index (CRI), produced in partnership with Oxford Economics, ranks 90 countries, measuring them across 26 components to compare capabilities in the areas of enterprise (business environment), government, and people and civil society (social and human capital). The study is unprecedented in its scope and unique in its consideration of change readiness.

The countries ranked highest in the CRI reflect a diversity of locations and size, while sharing many of the same qualities essential to change readiness: dynamic business environment,  stable and effective governments, skilled populations, and strong civil societies.

See additional resources, along with interactive country profiles that allow comparisons between countries, regions and income level.

«A nation’s ability to respond to change is increasingly important to its success in building a sustainable economy and equitable society,» said Timothy A.A. Stiles, KPMG’s Global Chair of International Development Assistance Services and a partner with KPMG in the U.S.  «The CRI can be a vital tool for governments, the development community, and business to make more informed decisions, whether on potential reforms or policy changes, managing risks, or making investments.».. MORE


2013 Change Readiness Index: 1 Singapore 2 Sweden 8 S Arabia 11 Chile 12 USA 21 Spain… KPMG + Oxford Analytics  (


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