Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

2017 review, 2018 preview

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The Council on Foreign Relations’ tenth annual Preventive Priorities Survey identified eight top conflict prevention priorities for the United States in the year ahead, highlighting armed confrontations between the United States and North Korea and Iran as serious international concerns.

The Global Conflict Tracker: Learn About the World’s Top Hotspots

The survey, conducted by CFR’s Center for Preventive Action (CPA) asked foreign policy experts to rank thirty ongoing or potential conflicts based on their likelihood of occurring or escalating in the next year and their potential impact on U.S. national interests. FULL REPORT


Ten Elections to Watch in 2018. Millions of people around the world voted in elections this year.

What to Watch in 2018

 2017 saw many pivotal elections, and so will 2018. @JamesMLindsay lists 10 to watch:   
Why Putin’s next term looks more difficult than his last 
La desaceleración china, la inflación y el bitcoin, los retos económicos de 2018
Ver imagen en TwitterVer imagen en TwitterVer imagen en TwitterVer imagen en Twitter
Recall the year 2017 through human rights Tweets. A great collection from @HRW  
CIDOB Barcelona@CidobBarcelona  Hace años que intuimos una crisis del orden global, pero en 2018 los síntomas se manifestarán con mayor frecuencia e intensidad. 10 temas que marcarán la agenda internacional’ una reflexión colectiva del equipo 


 10 pronósticos y tendencias de Ciberseguridad según para el año 2018 vía

The Donald Trump quiz of 2017

‘Everything was clouded by Trump in 2017’: a gruelling year for poor nations – podcast. Lucy Lamble looks back over 12 months of critical changes for developing countries, dominated by the devastating effects of the ‘global gag rule’

En 2018 no asistiremos a un cambio de orden pero no podemos postergar el debate sobre la posible obsolescencia del actual. …  

Corporate Year in Review 2017

FT Person of the Year 2017

The words that defined 2017

The year in pictures


 Stratfor Vice President of Global Analysis Reva Goujon highlights four key geopolitical trends for the coming year. Stratfor’s full 2018 forecast will be released on Dec. 26th.

The Year That Was 2017

  We already know that some 91M ppl will need humanitarian assistance next year. Help us be there for millions of families in need by giving to through .

Joshua A. Geltzer argues that 2017 was the year of the civil servant:


2 big warnings from Gen. McChrystal: War in Europe is possible & we’re going to have to give up rights for our security

Buckle Up for Year 2 of Trump

Why ‘5027’ is a number you should know: How war in Korea might unfold

NATO’s Little Noticed but Important New Aggressive Stance on Cyber Weapons

SitRep: How Moscow Did It

Iran’s North Korean Playbook to Protect Its Nuclear Program

What Would a Saudi-Iran War Look Like? Don’t look now, but it is already here

2017 Was the Year of False Promise in the Fight Against Populism

How Donald Trump Learned to Love War in 2017

Trump Is Bluffing About Attacking North Korea in 2018

11 Stories You May Have Missed in 2017

Will North Korea Blow Up the Winter Olympics?

The New York Times

2017: Year in review 

Trump’s Way: Trump, the Insurgent, Breaks With 70 Years of American Foreign Policy

The Year the News Accelerated to Trump Speed

The Year In Illustration 2017

The Year Not to Defer Dreams

What You Said in 2017

What We Learned This Year

A Year of Outrages: The U.S. Is ‘Diminished’

El País

 Guía para seguir la política internacional en 2018

 For the full report go to  v @ianbremmer


2017: The Best of The Diplomat

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