Relaciones Internacionales – Comunicación Internacional

Crisis and chaos in the horizon -by George Friedman

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“The death of the contemporary forms of social order ought to gladden rather than trouble the soul. But what is frightening is that the departing world leaves behind it not an heir, but a pregnant widow. Between the death of one and the birth of the other, much water will flow by, a long night of chaos and desolation will pass.”
–Alexander Herzen, 1850

Dear Friend,

There’s just under a week to go until the online premiere of our new documentary Crisis & Chaos: Are We Moving Toward World War III? on September 26, at 2:00 PM EDT.

If you haven’t already reserved your spot, I urge you to do so now. It promises to be edge-of-your seat material.

Geopolitical Futures founder George Friedman will be placing pretty much the whole Eastern Hemisphere under the microscope, and discussing whether we’re in for another “long night of chaos and desolation” before the world settles into a reconfigured order.

I’ve talked late into many nights with George about the wave of crises afflicting Europe, the Middle East, Russia, and China—and I’m excited about this documentary for a great deal of reasons.

First, George is one of sharpest, most dispassionate guys I know. He has an unerring ability to cut through political posturing and mainstream media hysteria to uncover what’s actually happening, and what’s coming. That’s why he leads the field in geopolitical analysis. So when he says the Eastern Hemisphere looks like a volcano, you look for the exit, not the lava.

Second, this documentary targets much of what I’ve been talking about this year, just from a different vantage point. In Crisis & Chaos: Are We Moving Toward World War III?, George tackles the economic, political, and social crises tearing the Eurasian landmass to bits.

At this year’s Strategic Investment Conference and in Thoughts from the Frontline,I talked about the Decade of Disruption, and what I see as a global economic chain with five weak links: Europe, China, Japan, emerging markets, and the United States. When one breaks, they all break. There’s more than a little convergence in our views.

Third, I’m proud this documentary is a co-production between Mauldin Economics and Geopolitical Futures. Our partnership, still less than a year old, was forged at the perfect time. Never before have the worlds of geopolitics and economics been so tangled up—and I think this hairball is only going to get bigger. If you want to know what’s happening in the markets, you’re going to need to know what’s going on geopolitically—and following the mainstream news cycle won’t cut it. So, here’s to partnership.

And finally, I’m excited because the analysis and forecasts in Crisis & Chaos: Are We Moving Toward World War III? are precisely the kind of invaluable, ahead-of-the-field information I want to share with you as we enter the rodeo of the next couple of decades. It’s going to be a bumpy ride, but we’ll have a sticky saddle.

I hope you join us on September 26, at 2:00 PM EDT. As a valued reader, you can watch Crisis & Chaos: Are We Moving Toward World War III? for free. You’ll also get a report that’s previously been available to premium Geopolitical Futuressubscribers only. As I said, here’s to partnership.

Your vying for the front row analyst,

John Mauldin

Mauldin Economics

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